Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Secret Project

Not to be confused with the Secret Garden.  Which for me would be a garden full of weeds and other dead vegetation. So, you wouldn't want to visit anyway.

Anyway...remember when I mentioned I was working on a secret project I couldn't say anything about at the time? Well, I'm finally ready to reveal it.

We're buying a house. Like, for real this time.

Oh my gosh. This house. You guys....I'm head over heels, and I never expected to be over this one. Heck, I'm tearing up and getting all emotional just typing about it....I guess that's how I know it's the right one, because I've never felt that way about the house we're currently living in.

So, the lowdown on our probable new home (granted no huge snafus come up in the meantime):

It's a 1920's bungalow (built in 1926) located in another Chicago suburb, which is much closer to a train line (about a mile away from the train station, actually!), is right around the corner from a highly-rated elementary school, and close to one of the best bike trails in the area (we both LOVE to bike, but our current suburb isn't exactly the most bike-friendly unless you enjoy biking through subdivisions). Three bedrooms, one bath, along with a basement and detached garage. Hardwood floors, except in the kitchen and bathroom, and the house itself is in really freaking good condition for its age.

When we all went to look at it right before Christmas, I knew as soon as I walked through the front door that this was It. This was THE HOUSE. I kept my poker face on throughout the showing, and apparently so did Brian (he's much better at it than I am). When we got into the car after the showing, Brian and I looked at each other and were like "OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS HOUSE". Guys, this is the first time that has happened....EVER. Usually one of us falls in love with a property, while the other is like "Meh....I don't know....it was okay...." The house is a little small, but honestly there are so many possibilities (like an unfinished attic!) with this house that it's worth it. Plus, smaller house = less time cleaning. And we all know how much I hate cleaning.

We put in our offer last week, and after a lightning round of counteroffers, we accepted a final offer 24 hours after we put in our initial one. Crazy, huh?! We had no idea that would happen so fast. Shortly after the offer was accepted, it was a mad dash to secure an attorney and home inspector (we had some people in mind, so at least we were somewhat prepared). Long story short - it's moving forward. I'll share more details over the coming weeks as things progress.

Okay, I feel like I've blabbed enough. Here's a picture of the outside; more photos to come soon, I promise!

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