Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Book Review: Domino Book of Decorating

One of the "fun" parts of being a parent is that all of the Christmas gifts that originally were going to go to you are instead bestowed upon your offspring. Not that I mind all that much - I have way too much stuff anyway, and have semi-annual purges to rid myself of all of the clutter that somehow weasels its way into my basement and closets.

Now, we just have a lot of toys and toddler-sized clothing instead. Yaaaaaaaay. :)

Anyway, an item I was actually gifted in the family gift exchange was one I've been wanting for a long time, but wasn't sure I'd get because it's kind of expensive - The Domino Book of Decorating. A friend of mine recommended I check it out a few years back, and since I'm cheap thrifty I moseyed on down to the library and checked out a battered-up copy they had. I fell for it - hard. Ever since then, I've longingly looked at the book whenever I bummed around Barnes & Noble, lamenting my lack of "fun" funds to purchase for some reason or another.

Well, this was my lucky Christmas, because I finally got it.

It's finally mine. ALL MINE!!

It's sooooo pretty. It even feels pretty, like wallpaper on a book. It also has a built-in bookmark, which is just so damn classy.


Anyhow, overall I really enjoyed it - it outlines everything according to the rooms in your house, so it's easy to reference if you want redecorate your living room, or kitchen, or bedroom. What I like most is the fact that, though there are plenty of tips to make your house a home, the authors encourage you to find what specifically suits you and your family. It includes many helpful tips for arranging furniture, photos, and color-coordinating to make it your very own.

What I love most about this book is the timelessness of it - I can definitely picture myself picking this handy how-to guide up anytime I need inspiration and/or guidance on decorating my current and future spaces. I think this will definitely come in handy both as we're making our current place attractive for prospective buyers and making our future house a home (which we're set to close on at the end of March.....so exciting!!).

Anyone else read/owns this masterpiece? Any other decor/design book suggestions? I'm all ears, peeps.

Full disclosure - I wasn't compensated for this review, these opinions are all my own. The book was a gift from a family member for personal use only.

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