Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Why I am the master home decorator

So sorry for the delay guys. We've had some hold ups with the house buying process, mostly due to the incompetence of a certain loan officer at a certain bank who shall remain nameless....long story short, it's being taken care of, and we should be cleared to close very soon. Cross your fingers and toes it goes smoothly (and that our hands don't fall off from signing millions of pieces of paper)!

And now for a little lighthearted fun poking fun at Brian. ;)

If you think the title of the post is part of an emerging ego trip on the part of yours truly, you're quite mistaken. It's more of a comparative analysis of the decorating skills of my husband and I, outlining the many reasons why I am the one in charge of decorating the house, not him.

A couple of recent examples:

1.) We got a new TV antenna for the house, mainly so we can watch Packer games without having to stand next to our old puny antenna for 3+ hours straight.

I expected it to be bigger, sure, but wasn't quite prepared for the monstrosity he brought home. Guys, this thing is HUGE. Brian set it up in our living room so we could watch the season opener and it took up almost the entire room. And our living room isn't all that small!!

See? Super obnoxious. I was almost afraid it would sprout legs, roar like a T-Rex and thunder after me trying to chomp on my legs or something.


If that wasn't bad enough, Brian suggested we hang the antennae from the ceiling in the living room, having it be both functional as well as something of an art installation piece.

Yeah, um...no. That thing is going up in the attic where it belongs, dear.

2.) Remember when we finally painted our front door? Well, we have a ton of paint leftover from that, so Brian brought up the idea to - get this - paint our window blinds the same color.

....seriously. Seriously??!! I mean, where does he come up with this stuff?!?!?! Here's an idea of how it would look, using the magic of Photoshop.

No, honey, that's not an attractive look - even if it is a poor Photoshop job. Unless you're Liberace. Or May from The Secret Life of Bees. Actually, it looks a bit like a pink nightmare - something little Ralphie is very familiar with.

I feel ya, kid.

So yeah - there is very good reason why I am the one in charge of making things pretty at our house. He definitely comes in handy if I need something built, attached or fixed, though. He should stick to that and leave the design to me. ;)

Anyone else's significant other think they're a much better designer than they actually are? Or let them actually decorate something and watch it go horribly wrong?

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