Tuesday, October 14, 2014

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* Laura!

Notice how I referenced Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory in my post title? Being married to a wannabe physicist/engineer, I often feel like I can relate to Penny. Not that Brian acts like Sheldon or anything...he's actually a lot like Leonard, except way cuter. ;)


Remember when I painted our front door? Well, I really want to get new hardware for it, because brass and dark pink/red just do not compute.

See what I mean? Yuck.

Here are some I'm thinking about - I'm really debating between the type where it has a handle and you push the lever above it to get in, or just getting a good old fashioned knob. Readers: any preference one way or another based on your experience? There's only so much experimenting at home improvement stores will do for me. I like the look of the handle, but please let me know pros/cons!!

Kwikset Montara Single Cylinder Venetian Bronze Handleset with Juno Entry Knob (featuring a SmartKey, which may or may not be smarter than me). Home Depot, $134.

Kwikset Hawthorne Single Cylinder Venetian Bronze Handle Set with Juno Knob (featuring a SmartKey yet again). Home Depot, $129.

Avendale Handleset with Carnaby Knob. Baldwin Hardware, price unknown (probably one of those where if you have to ask, it's too expensive).

Arched Entry Door Set. Rocky Mountain Hardware, I found the price, but it's crazy expensive. Hey, a gal can dream, right?!

Any other suggestions/thoughts? Any other sources that might have some more unique looks that are affordable?

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