Friday, April 17, 2015

Some exciting news to share

I'm just full of big news announcements lately, aren't I? But this one is very specific to the blog, and one I think all of us will benefit from:

Next week will be the official launch of Designing Character on Wordpress.

I've been using Blogger up until this point, along with a theme that I bought off of Etsy, but I feel like I'm at the point where I've outgrown the platform and theme. I've been playing around with Wordpress for awhile now (because I'm a huge nerd), and finally feel like I'm ready to the take the plunge. I've been working on developing a new design and layout of the blog, and I'm super excited to share it with all of you.

In the meantime, I'll probably look something like this dude. Except with longer hair and a cup of chai attached to my hand, with a toddler running circles around me.


Stay tuned. :)

P.S. - anyone else catch the new Star Wars trailer yesterday?! Was I the only one who squealed with delight upon seeing Han and Chewie, then proceeded to watch it on loop like 50 times in a row?!

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