Friday, April 3, 2015

Here she is!

Our new home!! Isn't she pretty?!

Apologies for the iPhone photos - our closing day was full of drama (ironically enough, not at the closing table) so I didn't think to grab my DSLR. Oh well.

Regarding the "drama", it turns out Owen's daycare is a cesspool of germs, and we all got sick. Again. And not just really bad colds this time....nope, it was the stomach flu. Which, you know, was just delightful.

Okay, I'll shut up now. Here are a few more photos to whet your whistles:

Screened-in porch, which is screaming for a couple of chairs and a couple of beers.

The living room
Part of the dining room, with a cameo by Brian. :)
This will likely become our bedroom.

What will likely become Owen's bedroom (doors or a curtain will be added to the closet - not sure which yet...)
Unfinished attic, which will be finished....eventually. :)
Kitchen, which will eventually be gutted and completely redone. But, for now we'll add a dishwasher and some cabinetry on the other side (the side you can't see well from this angle).

This room is...interesting. It's an addition that was added in the 90's because the people who owned it at the time were an older couple who were tired of going up and down the stairs to do laundry. So, it's kind of an all-purpose room which will end up being the laundry room/office.
Stairs to the basement - gotta love that wood paneling! Sexy stuff.
Part of the basement, which will likely become a play area for Owen.

Storage area in the basement - we were surprised that the former owners left their shelving!
We'll be moving in officially within the next couple of weeks - in the meantime, we'll be busy packing stuff away, cursing how many material possessions we have, and praying to God that we don't get sick....again...

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