Friday, February 27, 2015


Yes, that's what's been blowing through here lately. Want to know why? Here's a quick digest:
  • This winter has been crazy cold, and therefore, depressing. I mean, it's almost March, and we STILL have negative temperatures. WTH?
  • Referring to the point above, as we all have been spending way more time inside than we really should, we've been sick. For, like, a month. And no, I'm not joking. It all started at Owen's daycare, where he caught croup and developed a nasty double ear infection. Then, because he's all about sharing these days, he shared his germs with me and I got really sick (I'm STILL sick, to be perfectly honest - it's a cold that has developed into a nasty sinus infection). Somehow, the plague Gods smiled down on Brian and he has yet to get sick, but we'll see how long that lasts....
  • Work = crazytown, both because it's been busy and also because I've had to miss work due to Owen getting sick, and then me getting sick. Which is just, you know, great when you have gazillion things you need to get done!
Oh, and did I mention - we need to have the house show-ready by tomorrow. Right now, it's full of crushed up Goldfish crackers, mounds of laundry that need to be washed/put away, and used Kleenex.

I'll be back soon, I promise. Hopefully with clearer sinuses, less of a cough, and a cleaner house.

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