Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Veggie (Garden) Tales

Remember during Chiberia when I was planning our vegetable garden? Well, shortly after typing out that post I bundled up, went to Lowes, picked up some seed packets and potting soil, and started growing vegetables inside the house.

I had a plant stand that I purchased from IKEA awhile back that I used to start the veggies. If you have pets/kids, this is a great option to keep plants from being eaten and/or torn apart by small hands or paws.

Here's a photo of the indoor veggie garden right before they were transferred to the outdoor one. As you'll clearly see, the cucumber plants kind of took over the world. Since this is my first rodeo with cucumber, I was surprised to see how large it grew right off the bat (apparently this is perfectly normal). Tomatoes/peppers/spinach, you guys have some catching up to do!

Here's a "before" shot of the garden out back. Since we don't own the house, we shied away from doing a traditional veggie garden that's more in the middle of the yard so we wouldn't create a large bald spot for potential new owners/renters in the far off future. This way, if someone else wanted to plant flowers instead it's totally possible.

You may see a pile of dirt, but I see a blank canvas. ;)

Huge props to Brian for preparing the soil and adding a fence, despite the heat wave we got recently. If your neighborhood is prone to rabbits like ours is (or other critters that like to eat what you worked so hard to grow), I highly recommend installing a fence around your veggie garden to prevent them from being eaten/tampered with. It's not too difficult to install and isn't too pricey (I think we paid less than $20 total for ours if I'm not mistaken).

Here's a couple of "after" shots, once I transferred everything into the ground. That is, before I went back to Lowes and picked up some more tomato wire cages when I realized I only had one on hand, haha.

I'm looking forward to seeing how this little experiment pans out. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Anyone else growing veggie gardens? Any tips/tricks for this relative newb?

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